Geotechnical site investigation

EDG has the in-house skills and capability to offer a complete scope of site investigations for all manner of projects. Each site investigation programme will be developed considering our client’s requirements to provide the necessary information to develop an Engineering Geological Model for the project, which considers the engineering requirements for the project in context […]
Geological modelling and interpretation

Interpretation of geological and geotechnical data for the development of Engineering Geological Models (EGM) is fundamental to all of our work. The nature and detail of an EGM will depend on the project. The development of an EGM is much more than information from a single borehole at a foundation location or a cross section […]
Geotechnical risk assessment & risk management

EDG’s experience and knowledge in the field of geotechnical risk assessment is market leading. We regularly carry out qualitative and quantitative risk assessments for our clients. We are well versed in both industry standard risk assessment qualitative approaches and criteria, such as the RMS Slope Risk Assessment and the Australian Geomechanics Society Guidelines, and first […]
Soft soil engineering

One of the most challenging areas of engineering involves construction over and within deposits of soft soil. Embankments constructed on soft soil must be engineered to meet stability and settlement criteria, and excavations within soft soil must be retained to support the higher earth pressure loads from the weaker ground. When poorly understood, issues with […]
Geomaterial assessment & earthworks design

The extraction and/or use of geomaterials is part of most projects and an area of specialty for EDG. The assessment of earthworks begins with the development of the geological model and characterisation of the in situ materials for comparison to the required earthworks properties at placement and compaction. Our knowledge and understanding has been utilised […]
Slope engineering

EDG’s slope engineering expertise ranges from design of new cut and fill slopes to the remediation and support of existing slopes. We are experts and soil and rock slope engineering. Our approach to developing Engineering Geological Models underpins our slope engineering processes wherever for embankments, cut slopes or the remediation of existing slopes. It is […]
Retaining wall and retention system design

Retaining systems are required for all manner of projects from building basements to transport infrastructure. EDG has an extensive depth of knowledge and experience in the design and construction support for a wide range of retaining systems for all projects for both permanent and temporary applications. Our work begins with the acquisition and synthesis of […]
Foundation design

All structures in contacts with the earth require foundations to adequately transfer the loads. EDG provides foundation design services for all manner of structures including buildings, bridges, signs and temporary structures. We are specialists in driven and bored pile foundations, shallow footings on soil and rock, and piled rafts. Our foundation design work begins with […]
Tailings and water storage dam design

EDG’s has specialist experience, capability and expertise in the dam engineering field. With an increasing need to provide water storage to cope with population growth, and an importance on understanding and managing risk associated with tailings facilities in the mining industry, EDG offers a complete range of dam engineering services. From geotechnical site investigations to […]
Temporary works design

EDG is a leader in the geotechnical temporary works design field for all manner of engineering projects. Part of every package we deliver is listening to our clients to understand what is important for them and working with them to develop solutions that best meet their needs. We understand that each project and situation is […]