David Cunliffe


David is a Chartered Professional Engineer and a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland with over 15 years’ experience in the geotechnical industry, working as a consultant in Australia and the UK. David graduated in 2006 with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Manchester, and has also completed a Master’s degree in Soil Mechanics at Imperial College in 2010.

Since joining EDG in 2016, David has focused on infrastructure projects and established himself as a trusted advisor to clients, delivering practical temporary and permanent works design solutions and construction phase advice.

David’s areas of expertise include:

Roles on significant projects that David has held include:

David Cunliffe Publications

  • Hackney G.A., Cunliffe D.J., Dawes J.W.R., (2019) Yield Stress Relationships from CPTu for Brisbane Holocene Clay, Proceedings of 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Perth, Australia.
  • Cheah, B. Cunliffe, D. Premananda, S. and Dissanayake, K. (2015). Installation of HDPE geomembrane for a lined embankment dam – a summary of construction best practices. ICGE Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka.