Cooroy to Curra – Section C Tender Stage Excavatability and GeoMaterial Re-use Assessment
EDG assisted Leighton Contractors with their successful tender for the construct only Cooroy to Curra – Section C project. Geotechnical assessments relating to excavatability and geomaterial re-use were carried out, providing information to feed into the project mass haul. The major ‘contractor owned’ risks included economic extraction of materials from cuttings and the reuse of those material in embankments.
Working with Leighton, EDG developed a systematic approach to define free dig, rippable and non-productively rippable rock materials from cuttings and provide volume estimates for each unit within the cuttings. This enable the contractor to develop an extraction strategy for each cutting, enhancing confidence in project pricing and timing.
Based on experience and the excavatability assessment outcomes, a geomaterial reuse assessment was undertaken to consider the extracted materials against the project embankment construction specifications. This enabled Leighton to understand the issues of material compliance and project risks. EDG also provided an evaluation of the embankment foundation treatments to assist Leighton with project scheduling.
Obtaining a high degree confidence in the geotechnical issues EDG assisted our client in developing a keen project budget that ultimately provided a successful tender.